2015 Grant Cycle is Now Open!

PI Grant Logo_web



DCPL is now accepting applications for matching grants for historic preservation activities. PI Grant Program aims to provide funding to individuals and non-profit organizations for preservation planning, research, outreach/education, and bricks and mortar* projects related to historic and cultural sites (see website for eligible applicants and properties). These grants are intended to help communities broaden their impact, introduce the public to preservation concepts, make technical expertise accessible, and encourage partnerships. *Please note bricks and mortar grants are only available for sites listed in the DC Inventory of Historic Places or considered contributing resources within a DC Historic District.

The Preservation Initiatives Grant Program is administered by the DC Preservation League and is supported by two separate funding sources:

Brightwood Car Barn Preservation Initiatives Fund |
Goal: Fund historic preservation projects related to historic & cultural resources in Brightwood and Ward 4.

Mid-century Modern & Religious Properties Preservation Initiatives Fund |
Goal: Fund historic preservation projects related to historic religious properties and Mid-century Modern architecture in DC.

Applications are due Thursday, April 30, 2015.

For more information and details about the application process, please visit the program webpage HERE .
