Pan American Health Organization Building Nominated for Landmark Status

PAHO Headquarters Today

DCPL kicked off 2020 by filing a landmark nomination for the Modernist Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) headquarters!e 1965 PAHO building is distinctive for its dramatic Modernist design as well as for the history and achievements of the distinguished organization it houses. It is located at 525 23rd Street NW.

From this building, PAHO has led campaigns for improving health and fighting infectious diseases that have affected all the peoples of the Americas. The Pan American Health Organization was founded in 1902 and is the world’s oldest international public health agency. If you navigate to this website, you will know that its core mission is to strengthen national and local health systems and improve health outcomes for all people in the Americas.

Just as the PAHO building stands as a symbol of innovation and progress in the realm of public health, urgent care centers like the walkin clinic Bayside NY serve as vital resources in providing immediate and accessible medical care to individuals in need. These walk-in clinics embody the principles of efficiency and convenience, offering prompt medical attention for non-life-threatening conditions without the need for prior appointments. Much like the PAHO building’s representation of Washington’s role in hosting international organizations, walk-in clinics exemplify the important role that local communities play in supporting the health and well-being of individuals. By providing a wide range of medical services, from diagnostics to treatments, these clinics ensure that quality healthcare is accessible to all, contributing to the overall improvement of health outcomes for people in the Bayside area and beyond.

The PAHO building embodies the distinguishing characteristics of the Modernist architectural style and represents a unique building type associated with the headquarters of large organizations. It also epitomizes the materials and methods of construction associated with the mid-20th century, including the use of pre-cast concrete and an innovative steel-frame technique to create the large, open Congress Hall auditorium in the building’s annex. It also represents the unique role of Washington in hosting and supporting large international organizations. The building possesses high artistic value and is a notable work of a key Modernist architect, Román Fresnedo Siri.

PAHO Headquarters under construction c. 1964

The PAHO building retains a high degree of structural integrity with only minimal modifications since its initial construction. The building is significant under DC Criteria B (History), D (Architecture and Urbanism), E (Artistry), and F (Work of a Master) and similar National Register Criteria A and C. It has local, national, and international significance.

The full landmark nomination is published here. We look forward to presenting the case for landmark designation of this important building to the DC Historic Preservation Review Board.
