We are a stripping, de-rusting and refinishing company. We service residential and commercial clients in Maryland, Washington DC, and Virginia. We specialize in vintage architectural elements, household heating radiators, doors, windows, steps, railings, posts, pickets, columns, pillars, fencing, iron parts, automotive body parts, automotive engine parts, garden furniture, gates – and so much more! If it is wood or metal, we can strip to the bare wood, strip and de-rust, and neutralize it. We do refinishing and restoration as well!
Chemstrip offers full service paint removal and rust stripping to individuals and businesses. From architectural elements to outdoor furniture to car and truck parts. We can also de-rust steel or cast iron.
Contact Name: Mara West
Email: info@chemstripmd.com
Phone: 3014209112
Job Types: Single Family Residential, Multi-family Residential, Commercial
Specializations: Architect, Carpentry, Doors, General Contractor, Iron Works, Painting, Shutters, Windows
Year Established: 1991
Number of Employees: 4
Languages Spoken: English, Spanish
Are you licensed or bonded in DC? No
Are you a Woman or Minority Owned Business? Yes
Percentage of projects within $0-10,000 budget range: N/A
Percentage of projects within $10,000 - 150,000 budget range: N/A
Percentage of projects within $150,000 and above budget range: N/A