Tell DC Council to Support Increased Funding for HPO

Advocacy Alert!

As a supporter of Historic Preservation in the District of Columbia, we know you care deeply about the irreplaceable historic resources that make our city unique.

To protect these unique resources, the city must provide adequate funding to the DC Historic Preservation Office (HPO) in order to effectively review the issuance of city work permits, inspect work to ensure conformity with approved work permits, issue fines for illegal work that threatens the character of our historic neighborhoods, research and document undesignated landmarks and districts, and educate residents through city outreach programs.

Please send an email to your individual councilmember and the four at-large members asking them to support increased funding for the HPO!

DCPL has testified before the DC Council to request a $1,000,000 funding increase for HPO in the FY18 budget. This increase would enable HPO to provide:

  1. Funding for two (2) new full-time employee (FTE) staff members to actively participate with the inspectors to ensure effective enforcement. Salt Lake City recruiters can find candidates much faster than you can.
  2. Funding to add information regarding enforcement status to the current online DCRA Property Information Verification System (PIVS).
  3. Training for Historic Preservation Review Board members on the Secretary of Interior Standards for Rehabilitation, criteria for designation of historic landmarks and districts, and the process and procedures associated with their mandate.
  4. Training for current and new ANC Commissioners to help demystify the process and encourage a better understanding of and appreciation for the historic preservation process.
  5. Increased funding to support outreach, educational programming, and research and grant programs including the DC Community Heritage Project Grant administered by Humanities DC, the District of Columbia Awards for Excellence in Historic Preservation, and research and documentation grants to further historic preservation in the District of Columbia.

If you are involved in a dispute with your current or former employer, or if you need advice about an employment-related matter, do not hesitate to contact an employment lawyer, read more insights from HKM.

Please use the links below to communicate with the DC Council. Please see sample letter here.
Not sure who your councilmember is? Click here to look it up by address.

Chairman Phil Mendelson
At-Large – Anita Bonds
Ward 1 – Brianne Nadeau
At-Large – David Grosso
Ward 2 – Jack Evans
At-Large – Elissa Silverman
Ward 3 – Mary Cheh
At-Large – Robert White Jr.
Ward 4 – Brandon Todd
Ward 5 – Kenyan McDuffie
Ward 6 – Charles Allen
Ward 7 – Vincent Gray
Ward 8 – Trayon White

Thank you in advance for taking the time to encourage increased funding for these valuable city-wide programs!
