St. Elizabeths Walking Tour – December 15, 2012

St. Elizabeths Walking Tour
Saturday, December 15, 2012
10:00am – 12:o0pm

Click here to register.

Join the DC Preservation League in partnership with the General Services Administration for a walking tour of the historic west campus of St. Elizabeths Hospital, a National Historic Landmark. Tours of the St. Elizabeths campus are being offered on a limited basis depending on the course of construction activity.

Space is limited and reservations are required. Because of security issues walk-ons will not be permitted on the tour.

Click here to register.


Reinterpreting Dumbarton House – May 23rd, 2012

Reinterpreting Dumbarton House
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
2715 Que Street, NW

Click here to register.

Attribution: Wikipedia

How does the staff at this historic house museum accurately interpret the lives of its early residents? Explore this question with Dumbarton House Museum Curator, S. Scott Scholz through a “behind the scenes” tour of one of Georgetown’s historic gems. Highlights will include information on the museum’s on-going research, preservation, and restoration efforts. In addition, master preservation craftsmen will discuss paint analysis and methods for restoring plaster and paint at historic homes.

$15 for members (DCPL and DH/NSCDA);
$25 for non-members.

Space is Limited!

Click here to register.


Historic Preservation 101/201

Historic Preservation 101/201
Friday, May 18, 2012
Gallaudet University, Kellogg Conference Center
800 Florida Avenue, NE
9:00am – 12:00pm

Click here to register.

Historic Preservation 101 provides a brief history of the DC historic preservation movement, advice on how to navigate the historic district requirements, tips on historic preservation funding and the value of façade easements.

Historic Preservation 201 delves deeper in to the process of designating historic landmarks and districts, renovation of a historic property, the historic preservation review process and integration historic resources with new construction.

No Cost 3 Hour Continuing Education Credit Available to
DC Real Estate Licensees and DC Real Estate Appraiser Licensee
$60 to Non Licensees

Click here to register.


St. Elizabeths West Campus Walking Tour

Must Sign Up By Tomorrow, Tuesday, May 14!

St. Elizabeths West Campus Walking Tour
Saturday, May 18, 2013

Join the DC Preservation League in partnership with the General Services Administration for a walking tour of the historic west campus of St. Elizabeths Hospital, a National Historic Landmark. Tours of St. Elizabeths campus are being offered on a limited basis depending on the course of construction activity.

Space is limited and reservations are required.

Because of security issues walk-ons will not be permitted on the tour.

Click here to register.

Wonder Bread Building Becomes DC Landmark

At its November 17th hearing, the DC Historic Preservation Review Board voted unanimously to include Dorsch’s White Cross Bakery (also known as the Wonder Bread Factory), 641 S Street, NW, as an individual landmark in the DC Inventory of Historic Sites. The nomination was co-sponsored by DCPL and Douglas Development Corporation (the building’s owner).

Read more

We Need Your Help!

The New Year is upon us and DCPL’s Education Committeeis gearing up to plan the 2012 program calendar. Conception and coordination of programs is vitally important to the organization’s mission, and is a great opportunity to be an important part of DCPL. Join the Education Committee as we sketch out the upcoming year’s tours, lectures and conference sessions. The success of such programs is in a large part due to people like you who give of their time, knowledge, and or skills. Join us at our January 2012 meeting and help educate DCPL’s members and the public on the benefits of historic preservation.

Please contact Amanda McDonald at for more information and meeting times.

A Look Back at 2011

In its 40th Anniversary year, the DC Preservation League (DCPL) has been as busy as ever!

We filed landmark nominations on several buildings including the Recorder of Deeds (515 D Street, NW), and the Old Naval Observatory/Potomac Annex (23rd and E Streets, NW). DCPL’s staff and board members presented testimony to DC Council on agency oversight and to the Historic Preservation Review Board on development projects throughout the city.  We also spearheaded advocacy efforts to ensure that plans for the re-use of the National Historic Landmark St. Elizabeths East Campus and improvements to the Great Hall at Union Station use sound preservation practices; both projects that will continue into 2012.