Request for Proposals: National Register Documentation for Significant Sites Designed by Black Architects in Washington, DC

Deadline to Submit Proposals: Please submit electronically to Kelli Knox ( by 11:59 pm EST, August 9, 2024. The subject line should read “Proposal in Response to Black Architects Multiple Property Document”

Download RFP Here

Background: In 2024, the DC Preservation League (DCPL) received a grant from the National Park Services’ Underrepresented Communities Grant Program to underwrite and develop a Multiple Property Document and an Associated Nomination related to properties in the District of Columbia designed by Black Architects.

DCPL is Washington’s citywide nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving, protecting, and enhancing the historic resources of our nation’s capital. DCPL’s mission is carried out through education, community outreach, research and documentation, and advocacy. This project will catalyze nominations to the DC Inventory of Historic Sites (DC Inventory) and the National Register of Historic Places (National Register).

Since before the establishment of the federal city in 1791, African Americans have played a significant role in shaping the built environment of Washington, DC. Free Black astronomer Benjamin Banneker (1731-1806) worked with surveyor Andrew Ellicott (1754-1820) to survey the boundaries of the ten-mile-square area that would become the District of Columbia, just as hundreds of skilled and unskilled enslaved persons were hired out by their enslavers to help build the US Capitol and the White House. After the Civil War, freed Blacks with carpentry, masonry, metalworking, and other building skills entered the building trades in significant numbers in the city. The increased population led to a major building boom. While many Blacks entered the design field through the building trades, they also approached the design world through various avenues, known and unknown.

According to the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards, just 2% of licensed architects in the United States today are Black. That number amounts to approximately 2,600 out of 122,000 total. The profession has long been white-male-dominated, leaving the work of countless women, Blacks, and other racial minorities widely unrecognized. The roots of the Black architectural community are grounded within the District of Columbia, as Howard University was one of the first Historically Black Colleges and Universities to offer a four-year degree in architecture at a time when the country was still widely segregated. This program ultimately attracted students from across the country and established Howard as the principal training ground for Black architects in the 20th Century. Despite this connection, the works of Black architects in the city remain underrepresented in both the DC Inventory and the National Register.

This project will establish a historic context statement and also identify, and establish a list of, Black architects that had a significant impact on the built environment of Washington, DC.  The project will also formally identify/document properties that are representative of the impact Black architects have had on the built environment of DC. The MPD will include one new nomination to the National Register and set the stage for nominating more properties to the DC Inventory and the National Register.

Purpose: DCPL seeks proposals from qualified Consultants (Consultant) interested in undertaking research to identify, and establish a list of, Black architects that had a significant impact on the built environment of Washington, DC.  As part of the project, the consultant will establish an inventory of extant properties in the District of Columbia associated with those identified Black architects.

The selected Consultant will: (1) produce a historic context statement that details the history of the professionalization of Blacks in design and their influence on DC’s built environment through time.

(2) prepare a National Register Multiple Property Document, including identification of extant properties that are representative of the Black architects identified as significant to the built environment of DC, thus setting the stage for future nominations to both the DC Inventory and the National Register of Historic Places. (3) produce one new individual landmark nomination related to the topic for submission to the DC Inventory and the National Register; (4) present the Multiple Property Document and nomination to the public and the DC Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB).

Scope of Work: Consultant is expected to complete outlined research and documentation tasks in a 15-month period. The project is expected to take 24 months, with the remaining time reserved for community engagement and presentations before the HPRB.

Tasks for Consultant Include:

Task 1: Project Management
The Consultant will coordinate project activities and is responsible for carrying out project tasks while ensuring that tasks are completed within scope, budget, and schedule. Project kick-off, schedule, and coordination of tasks and deliverables must be completed in consultation with DCPL.

Task 2: Background Research
In consultation with DCPL, the Consultant will conduct the research and survey work necessary to prepare a historic context historic context statement that details the history of the professionalization of Blacks in design and their influence on DC’s built environment through time. With that established context, Consultant will prepare a National Register Multiple Property Document, including the identification of associated property types. (15 months)

Task 3: Survey Documentation
Create an Excel spreadsheet of resources associated with the Black architects identified as part of the context in order to facilitate the evaluation of other properties associated with Black architects in Washington, DC. The list of resources will identify previously recorded and National Register-listed or newly identified properties that may be eligible for designation. This spreadsheet will include an entry for each property that contains its address, owner, designation status, and associated theme(s).

Task 4:  Complete Multiple Property Documentation
The Consultant will complete the Multiple Property Documentation based on guidance set forth in NPS White Paper: The Components of a Historic Context and Section III.E. of How to Complete the National Register Multiple Property Document. This document will establish a historic context for the professionalization of Blacks in design and their influence on DC’s built environment through time. The project will also formally identify/document properties that are representative of the impact Black architects have had on the built environment of DC. It will facilitate the evaluation of individual properties by comparing them with resources with similar physical characteristics and historical associations. The document will discuss associated property types and identify previously recorded and National Register-listed or newly identified eligible properties.

As noted in Task 3, a list of identified resources should be completed in a separate Excel spreadsheet that can be sorted by architect. The spreadsheet should include, at minimum, the resource name, address, ownership, designation status, and associated theme(s).

Task 5: Preparation of one new nomination for submission to the DC Inventory of Historic Sites and the National Register of Historic Places.
In consultation with DCPL, the Consultant will identify one new property eligible for listing under the MPD cover document and conduct the necessary research to prepare the National Register nomination for that property. In advance of preparing the National Register documentation for the new nominations, DCPL will coordinate with the property owner identified for National Register documentation regarding owner consent and access for interior photography. If DCPL cannot secure owner support, the Consultant in coordination with DCPL, will identify other properties for documentation. (10 months)

Task 6 – Public Presentation
The Consultant will present the 50% draft results of the research and documentation project at one public meeting to receive feedback on the draft report. The date, time, and location of the public forum will be determined in consultation with DCPL.

Task 7 – Consultation and Historic Preservation Review Board Presentation
To ensure final acceptance of the Multiple Property Document, the Consultant must conduct ongoing consultations with DCPL and HPO (with a mutually agreeable schedule to be determined) to solicit feedback on the research and documentation to be delivered. Consultant must also agree to present, with visuals, the completed Multiple Property Document and associated nomination to the DC Historic Preservation Review Board for approval.

Timeline: The estimated start date for the project is September 1, 2024. Research and documentation must be complete by November 30, 2025.

Proposal Requirements: Experience preparing Multiple Property Documents, Historic Context Statements, and other National Register documentation forms is desired. All Consultant responses must include resumes of all staff assigned to the project and demonstrate that the project manager and applicable staff meet 36CFR61 Appendix A Historic Preservation Professional Qualifications Standards.

The budget proposal should not exceed $55,000, including expenses related to photo permissions or other services required to complete the project. Please include the proposed timeline with start/end dates for each task and at least one example of a Historic Context Statement, Multiple Property Document, National Register Landmark Nomination, or other related documents the Consultant has produced in the past five years.

Deadline to Submit Proposals: Please submit electronically to Kelli Knox ( by 11:59 pm EST, August 9, 2024. The subject line should read “Proposal in Response to Black Architects Multiple Property Document.”


This project is supported in part by an Underrepresented Communities Grant (URC) from the Historic Preservation Fund (HPF) administered by the National Park Service, Department of the Interior. The HPF has funded more than $2 billion since its inception in 1977 towards historic preservation grants. For more information about the URC grant program, please visit

This project has received Federal financial assistance for the identification, protection, and/or rehabilitation of historic properties and cultural resources in the District of Columbia. Under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the US Department of the Interior prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, or disability in its Federally assisted programs. If you believe that you have been discriminated against in any program, activity, or facility as described above, or if you desire further information, please write to: Office of Equal Opportunity, US Department of the Interior, 1849 C Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20240.

Request for Proposals: The History of Affordable Housing in Washington, DC, with a Focus on Black Residents

Deadline to Submit Proposals: Please submit electronically to Kelli Knox ( by 11:59 pm EST, May 19, 2024. The subject line should read “Proposal in Response to Affordable Housing Study.”

**Update (5/3/2024)**
Additional Optional Pre-Submission Information Session Scheduled: Thursday, May 9, 2024, at 11:00 AM EST. Click this link to join via Zoom

Optional Pre-Submission Information Session: An informational Q&A session will be held on April 23, 2024, at 12:00 PM EST. Click this link to join via Zoom.

Download RFP: Click Here

Background: In 2022, the DC State Historic Preservation Office (DCSHPO) received a grant from the National Park Services’ Underrepresented Communities Grant Program to underwrite the production of a Multiple Property Document and Associated Nominations related to the history of affordable housing in Washington, DC, with a focus on housing for Black residents. The DCSHPO promotes stewardship of the District of Columbia’s historic and cultural resources through planning, protection, and public outreach. DCSHPO is the staff for the Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB) and Mayor’s Agent for Historic Preservation.

DCSHPO contracted the DC Preservation League (DCPL) to manage this project that will catalyze nominations to both the DC Inventory of Historic Sites (DC Inventory) and the National Register of Historic Places (National Register). DCPL is Washington’s citywide nonprofit organization dedicated to the preservation and protection of the historic resources of our nation’s capital. DCPL’s mission is carried out through education, community outreach, research and documentation, and advocacy.

DCSHPO has long been interested in the history of affordable and workforce housing in the District of Columbia. Recent urban planning efforts in DC have sought to address increasingly limited housing options for the city’s underrepresented communities and to provide new and alternative housing for residents. Despite this planning focus on affordable housing, a gap in recognizing and valuing the heritage of lower-income—particularly African American communities and their built environments—persists, paradoxically putting housing for the residents of those communities and the buildings at risk. In response to a sustained population surge, the District is experiencing a rise in large-scale, mostly higher-income housing developments, while existing housing built for lower-income groups, most of it well over fifty years old, is being threatened with demolition and redevelopment. The new high-end development, combined with the elimination of existing lower-income housing, is adding to a severe shortage of affordable housing in the city. This project recognizes an urgent need for preservationists to document existing examples of housing that offer current-day and future affordable housing options for city residents and to recognize historically significant examples before they disappear. Many of the significant examples are likely to serve their originally intended use. All of them can serve as historical examples and inspirations as the city continues to grow.

This project will research and document the historical forces of development that created affordable housing (both public and private) and also those that influenced the location of such housing within the District. The historic context will provide general background information on housing from the layout of the city in 1791 to the election of the city’s Home Rule government in 1974, but will concentrate in more detail on 20th century housing programs for lower-income African Americans during the era of segregation.

A note about the term “affordable” housing: Although it is a contemporary term, affordable housing has existed through time. For over two centuries, lower-income residents of the District of Columbia have strived to find housing that they could afford. Whether it be a modest rural residence, an inner-city alley house, a multi-family flat, or a rowhouse, affordable housing has come in many forms since the establishment of the city in 1791. The history of affordable housing is one driven by the formerly enslaved and free African Americans, immigrants, and the working class: in short, the people who built DC. While many of the places they built or the places where they worked— namely the city’s many government buildings and institutions—survive and are recognized historic landmarks, many of the places where they lived are gone or threatened. A better understanding of the history, trends, and types of affordable housing in DC will expand our knowledge of urban planning and development, segregation, and community in DC This project will be an acknowledgment of the housing types that were historically available for a significant yet under-represented sector of the District’s residential population.

At the end of the grant period, deliverables will include a Multiple Property Document on affordable housing with a particular focus on the African American community, and two new and two amended National Register nominations associated with the project’s historic context.

Purpose: DCPL seeks proposals from qualified consultants (Consultant) interested in undertaking research to identify themes, establish associated property types, and create a preliminary inventory of significant historic resources associated with the history of affordable housing for low-income populations, with a focus on African Americans, in Washington, DC. The selected Consultant will: (1) produce a historic context statement to thematically address the affordable housing, with emphasis on African Americans, in Washington, DC; (2) prepare a National Register Multiple Property Document, including identification of associated property types for submission to the DC Inventory and National Register; (3) produce two new individual landmark nominations and two amended nominations related to the topic for submission to the DC Inventory and the National Register; and (4) present the Multiple Property Document and nominations to the public and the DC Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB).

Scope of Work: Consultant must complete outlined tasks in a 15-month period. The entire project is expected to take 24 months, with the remaining time reserved for community engagement and presentations before the HPRB.

Tasks for Consultant Include:

Task 1: Project Management
Consultant will coordinate project activities and is responsible for carrying out project tasks while ensuring that tasks are completed within scope, budget, and schedule. Project kick off, schedule, and coordination of tasks and deliverables must be completed in consultation with DCPL.

Task 2: Background Research
In consultation with DCPL and the DCSHPO, the Consultant will conduct the research and survey work necessary to prepare a historic context on the history of affordable housing for low-income communities, with special emphasis on African Americans, in Washington, DC, and with that established context, to prepare a National Register Multiple Property Document, including the identification of associated property types. (15 months)

The background research will address, but will not be limited to, the following contexts and their associated property types:

• General Background Context on Housing for low-income and African Americans in DC before 1900
o The L’Enfant Plan and workforce housing
o Free-Black housing and communities
o Civil War forts and African American communities
o Post-Civil War Freedmen Bureau housing
• The Private market and affordable housing from post-Civil War to early 20th Century
o Inhabited Alleys
o Philanthropic Housing
o Other housing planned for lower-income residents
• Public and Subsidized Housing
o Public housing
o Defense homes

Task 3: Survey Documentation
Create an excel spreadsheet of resources associated with the identified context theme(s) in order to facilitate the evaluation of other properties associated with the Affordable Housing for low-income communities and African Americans in Washington, DC. The list of resources will identify previously recorded and National Register-listed or newly-identified properties that may be eligible for designation. At a minimum, this spreadsheet will include for each property its name, address, owner, designation status and associated theme(s). Non-extant sites identified through the study should also be included and noted as demolished.

Task 4: Complete Multiple Property Documentation
Consultant will complete the Multiple Property Documentation based on guidance set forth in NPS White Paper: The Components of a Historic Context and Section III.E. of How to Complete the National Register Multiple Property Document. This document will establish a historic context for the history of affordable housing in Washington, DC, with a focus on housing for African Americans. It will facilitate the evaluation of individual properties by comparing them with resources that share similar physical characteristics and historical associations. The document will provide a discussion of associated property types and identify previously recorded and National Register listed, or newly identified eligible properties.

As noted in Task 3, a list of identified resources should be completed in a separate Excel spreadsheet that can be sorted by theme. The spreadsheet should include, at minimum, the resource name, address, ownership, designation status, and associated theme(s).

Task 5: Preparation of two new nominations and two amended nominations for submission to the DC Inventory of Historic Sites and the National Register of Historic Places.

In consultation with DCPL and DCSHPO, Consultant will identify two new properties that are eligible for listing under the MPD cover document, and then conduct the research and prepare National Register nominations for both properties. In advance of preparing the National Register documentation for the two new nominations, DCPL will coordinate with the owners of the properties identified for National Register documentation regarding owner consent, and access for interior photography. Should DCPL be unable to secure owner support, Consultant in coordination with DCPL and DCSHPO will identify other properties for documentation.

Also, in consultation with DCPL and the DCSHPO, and informed by the research findings, Consultant will identify two existing National Register-listed properties that would qualify for listing under the MPD cover, but whose existing documentation is inadequate or lacks relevant context. The Consultant will conduct research and prepare amendments to those two identified nominations.

The Consultant through sponsorship of DCPL will submit the nominations to the DCSHPO and will prepare presentations before the HPRB. The DCSHPO will make any necessary revisions and forward the nominations to the National Register for listing. (10 months)

Task 6 – Public Presentation
Consultant must agree to present the 50% draft results of the research and documentation project at one public meeting to receive feedback on draft report. The date, time, and location of the public forum will be determined in consultation with DCPL.

Task 7 – Consultation and Historic Preservation Review Board Presentation
To ensure final acceptance of the Multiple Property Document, Consultant must conduct ongoing consultations with DCPL and the DCSHPO (with a mutually agreeable schedule to be determined) to solicit feedback on the research and documentation to be delivered. Consultant must also agree to present, with visuals, the completed Multiple Property Document and associated nominations to the DC Historic Preservation Review Board for approval.

Timeline: Estimated start date for the project is June 1, 2024. Research and documentation must be complete by September 30, 2025.

Proposal Requirements: Experience preparing Multiple Property Documents, Historic Context Statements or other National Register documentation forms is required. All Consultant responses must include resumes of all staff to be assigned to the project and demonstration that the project manager and applicable staff meet 36CFR61 Appendix A Historic Preservation Professional Qualifications Standards.

Budget proposal should not exceed $55,000, inclusive of expenses related to photo permissions or other services required to complete the project. Please include proposed timeline with start/end dates for each task and at least one example of a Historic Context Statement, Multiple Property Document, or National Register Landmark Nomination Consultant has produced in the past five years.

Deadline to Submit Proposals: Please submit electronically to Kelli Knox ( by 11:59 pm EST, May 19, 2024. The subject line should read “Proposal in Response to Affordable Housing Study.”

Pre-Submission Information Session: An informational Q&A session will be held on April 23, 2024, at 12:00 PM EST. Click this link to join via Zoom.

This project is supported in part by an Underrepresented Communities Grant (URC) from the Historic Preservation Fund (HPF) administered by the National Park Service, Department of the Interior. The HPF has funded more than $2 billion since its inception in 1977 towards historic preservation grants. For more information about the URC grant program, please visit
This project has received Federal financial assistance for the identification, protection, and/or rehabilitation of historic properties and cultural resources in the District of Columbia. Under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the US Department of the Interior prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, or disability in its Federally assisted programs. If you believe that you have been discriminated against in any program, activity, or facility as described above, or if you desire further information, please write to: Office of Equal Opportunity, US Department of the Interior, 1849 C Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20240.

Cover Photos:
Raum Street, NE Sanitary Housing, Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division, Washington, DC
Family outside Alley Dwelling, Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division, Wasihngton, DC
Alley dwellings between Pierce Street, L Street, First Street and North Capitol Street. Washington, DC, Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division, Washington, DC

Download RFP: Click Here

Request for Proposals: The History of Latino Communities in Washington, DC.

 Background: In 2022, the DC State Historic Preservation Office (DCSHPO) received a grant from the National Park Services’ Underrepresented Communities Grant Program to underwrite the production of an historic context study on the District of Columbia’s Latino community. The DC State Historic Preservation Office promotes stewardship of the District of Columbia’s historic and cultural resources through planning, protection, and public outreach. DCSHPO is the staff for the Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB) and Mayor’s Agent for Historic Preservation.

The DC Preservation League (DCPL) is Washington’s citywide nonprofit organization dedicated to the preservation and protection of the historic resources of our nation’s capital. DCPL’s mission is carried out through education, community outreach, landmark designation, and advocacy. DCPL has been contracted by the DC State Historic Preservation Office to manage this project that will catalyze nominations to both the DC Inventory of Historic Sites and the National Register of Historic Places.

The legacy of the District of Columbia’s Latino community can be seen in businesses, organizations, and public spaces across the city, especially in the contiguous neighborhoods of Adams Morgan, Mount Pleasant, and Columbia Heights. This community’s history in DC dates back to the early 1940s when Puerto Ricans and Mexican Americans arrived in the capital to obtain work in the expanding federal bureaucracy and fill in labor shortages in other trades during World War II. In the 1950s and 1960s, Latin American diplomats brought embassy staff to Adams Morgan, moving in alongside an influx of Dominicans and Cubans entering America for economic opportunity and an escape from political conflict in their home countries. By the 1970s, the city even considered rebranding Adams Morgan as “The Latin Quarter” due to the prolific number of Spanish-speaking and Latin-owned businesses, restaurants, and shops. The growing Latin-American community continued its expansion into Mount Pleasant and Columbia Heights through Salvadoran and Central American immigration in the 1970s and 1980s, as civil war and domestic unrest unfolded in various nations. This influx of immigrants throughout the years was not entirely without strife, most obviously demonstrated by the Mount Pleasant Riots of 1991, but the impact of the Latino community on the District is undeniable.

Today, the Hispanic and Latino populations combined make up 11.3% of DC residents (2021 Census). Yet, only five entries in the DC Inventory of Historic Sites represent this community in any way. They are: The Old Mexican Embassy (MacVeagh House); the General Jose de San Martin Memorial; the Pan American Union Headquarters; the Pan American Health Organization Headquarters; and the Washington Heights Historic District.

The DCSHPO’s proposed context study (organized by theme, place, and time) will provide a clear framework to evaluate resources provided by overseas betting sites and develop nominations for the DC Inventory of Historic Sites and the National Register of Historic Places. In addition, the context will provide a baseline to evaluate sites already listed on DC Inventory and National Register to also include Latino history. For example, the nomination for the Mount Pleasant Historic District, written in 1986, makes no mention of the neighborhood’s substantial population of Salvadorans (DC’s largest immigrant population) or the historic riots of 1991. DCHPO’s proposed project would amend that nomination to include this information.

The context study will be citywide, and the period of significance will cover 1943-1991—representing the initial surge of immigrants during World War II through the Mount Pleasant Riots.

Purpose: DCPL seeks proposals from qualified consultants (Consultant) interested in undertaking research to identify themes, establish associated property types, and create a preliminary inventory of significant historic resources associated with the Latino community in Washington, DC.  The selected Consultant will: (1) produce a Historic Context Statement to thematically address the Latino community in Washington, DC; (2) produce two new individual landmark nominations and an amended nomination for the Mount Pleasant Historic District for submission to the DC Inventory of Historic Sites and the National Register of Historic Places related to the context study; and (3) present the context study findings and nominations to the DC Historic Preservation Review Board.

Scope of Work: Consultant must complete outlined tasks in an 18-month period. The entire project is expected to take 24 months, with the last 6 months reserved for community rollout and engagement, and presentations before the Historic Preservation Review Board.

Tasks for Consultant include:

Task 1: Project Management
Consultant will coordinate project activities and is responsible for carrying out project tasks while ensuring that tasks are completed within scope, budget, and schedule.  Project kick off, schedule, and coordination of tasks and deliverables must be completed in consultation with DCPL.

Task 2: Background Research
Consultant will research important themes related to the Latino community in Washington, DC and identify associated resources.  Research should be organized into thematic groups selected in consultation with DCPL and DCSHPO.

Task 3: Survey Documentation

Create an excel spreadsheet of resources associated with the identified themes in order to facilitate the evaluation of other properties associated with the Latino communities in Washington, DC.  The list of resources will identify previously recorded and National Register-listed or newly identified properties that may be eligible for designation. At a minimum, this spreadsheet will include for each property its name, address, ward, owner, designation status and associated theme(s). Non-extant sites identified through the study should also be included and noted as demolished.

Task 4: Recruit an advisory board of local experts for review of Context Documentation
Consultant, in coordination with DCPL and DCSHPO, will identify and recruit an advisory committee of local experts to review and comment on the Historic Context Statement research and documentation.

Task 5:  Complete Historic Context Documentation

Consultant will complete a Historic Context document based on guidance set forth in NPS White Paper: The Components of a Historic Context and Section III.E. of How to Complete the National Register Multiple Property Document. This document will establish an historic context for the history of the Latino community in the District of Columbia, and will facilitate the evaluation of individual properties by comparing them with resources that share similar physical characteristics and historical associations. The document will provide a discussion of associated property types and identify previously recorded and National Register listed, or newly identified eligible properties.

A complete list of identified resources should be completed in a separate excel spreadsheet that can be sorted by theme. Spreadsheet should include at a minimum resource name, address, ward, ownership, designation status and associated theme(s).

The Historic Context is based on the research and analysis from Task 2 and will highlight important themes associated with the history of the Latino community in the District of Columbia and properties that represent and illustrate specific themes should be identified. The Context Statement document should be submitted in a format that is graphically pleasing and able to be used for distribution to the public in both English and Spanish.

Task 6 – Preparation of two (2) new nominations and (1) amended nomination for the Mount Pleasant Historic District for submission to the DC Inventory of Historic Sites and the National Register of Historic Places.

Consultant will complete a minimum of two new nominations for submission to the DC Inventory of Historic Sites and the National Register of Historic Places using the National Register (NR) Nomination Form. The NR Form must be completed according to requirements and guidelines set forth in the National Register Bulletin:  How to Complete the National Register Form. Sites to be nominated will be chosen in consultation with DCPL and the DCSHPO and require support of the owner(s).

 Task 7 – Public Presentation
Consultant must agree to present the 50% draft results of the research and documentation project at one public meeting to receive feedback on draft report. The date, time, and location of the public forum will be determined in consultation with DCPL.

Task 8 – Consultation and Historic Preservation Review Board Presentation

To ensure final acceptance of the Historic Context Statement, Consultant must conduct ongoing consultations with DCPL and the DCSHPO (with a mutually agreeable schedule to be determined) to solicit feedback on the research and documentation to be delivered. Consultant must also agree to present, with visuals, the completed Historic Context Statement and associated nominations to the Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB) for approval. The number of presentations to the HPRB may vary dependent on feedback.

Timeline: Estimated start date for the project is November 1, 2023. Research and documentation must be complete by April 30, 2025.

Proposal Requirements: Experience preparing Historic Context statements or other National Register of Historic Places documentation forms is required. All Consultant responses must include resumes of all staff to be assigned to the project and demonstration that the project manager and applicable staff meet 36CFR61 Appendix A Historic Preservation Professional Qualifications Standards.

Budget proposal should not exceed $40,000 inclusive of expenses related to photo permissions, graphic design or other services required to complete the project. Please include proposed timeline with start/end dates for each task and an example of a Historic Context Statement, Multiple Property Document or National Register Nomination Consultant has produced in the past 5 years.

Deadline to Submit Proposals: Please submit electronically to Rebecca Miller ( by 11:59pm September 25, 2023.  Subject line should read “Proposal in Response to Latino Context Project.”

This project has received Federal financial assistance for the identification, protection, and/or rehabilitation of historic properties and cultural resources in the District of Columbia. Under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the U.S. Department of the Interior prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, or disability in its Federally assisted programs. If you believe that you have been discriminated against in any program, activity, or facility as described above, or if you desire further information, please write to: Office of Equal Opportunity, U.S. Department of the Interior, 1849 C Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20240.

This project has been financed in part with Federal funds from the U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service. However, the contents and opinions contained in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of the Interior, nor does the mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation by the U.S. Department of the Interior.

Download Full RFP Here. 

Call for Nominations
2023 Preservation Awards

Request for Proposals: Black Women’s Suffrage Movement in Washington, DC

DCPL seeks proposals from qualified consultants interested in undertaking research to identify themes, establish associated property types, and create a preliminary inventory of significant historic resources associated with the Black Women’s Suffrage Movement in Washington, DC. The selected Consultant will: produce a Historic Context Statement to thematically address the Black Women’s Suffrage Movement in Washington, DC; produce two, new individual landmark nominations for submission to the DC Inventory of Historic Sites and the National Register of Historic Places related to the Context; and present the Context and nominations to the DC Historic Preservation Review Board.

Click here for a link to the complete RFP.

Remembering Daniel R. Smith, Sr.

Picture of Daniel R. Smith, Sr.
Daniel R. Smith, Sr.
Photo by: Jim Shannon

Daniel R. Smith, Sr.
Son of a Slave: A Black Man’s Journey in White America
By: Loretta Neumann

Believed to be the last person in the United States whose father was born enslaved during the Civil War, Daniel R. (Dan) Smith, Sr., was living proof that slavery is not distant history. He died October 19, 2022, at age 90;  His father, Abram (A.B.) Smith, 70 years old when Dan was born, taught him to work hard and carry himself well, even in difficult circumstances. After starting in his youth as an active young Black raised in a nearly all-white town in Connecticut, Dan served as a medic in the newly desegregated Army during the Korean War, dove into a flooding river to save a man’s life, graduated from a largely white college where he was elected student body president, attended Martin Luther King’s march on Washington in 1963 and two years later, as a Civil Rights activist in Alabama, was with Reverend King on the third Selma to Montgomery march.

In 1968 Dan moved with his family to work in Washington DC for the Office of Employment Opportunity, helping establish neighborhood health centers throughout the United States. Afterward, in the face of acute racial discrimination, he successfully started and led a major federal program at the National Institutes of Health – Area Health Education Centers – which he considered his crowning achievement and which is still operating today. He later worked on international health programs in South Africa and several other countries.

After retirement, Dan coordinated events for the dedication of the Korean War Memorial on the National Mall served as Head User for the Washington National Cathedral (escorting Presidents Bush, Clinton, Obama, and other dignitaries), and campaigned for local and Presidential candidates (Adrian Fenty, Muriel Bowser, Phil Mendelson, and Brandon Todd locally; Al Gore, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden nationally). In 2006, Dan married Loretta Neumann, a long-time community activist in DC who, in 2022, received DCPL’s Lifetime Achievement Award in Historic Preservation.

For all the intersections he had with historical events, political leaders, and other luminaries. Dan was often called the “Black Forrest Gump.” His memoir, Son of a Slave: A Black Man’s Journey in White America, was completed a few weeks before he died.  It offers a compelling, first-hand account of the actions, policies, and people that have helped or hindered the United States to fulfill the promise that ‘all men are created equal.’

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Call for Nominations
2022 Preservation Awards

Call for Nominations
2021 Preservation Awards

DCPL Seeks Community Outreach and Grants Manager

Community Outreach and Grants Manager (Full-Time)

The DC Preservation League (DCPL) is Washington, DC’s citywide nonprofit dedicated to the preservation, protection, and enhancement of the historic and built environment of our nation’s capital. Founded in 1971 as Don’t Tear It Down to save the Old Post Office on Pennsylvania Avenue, DCPL has worked diligently to ensure that preservation remains an economic force for the city’s neighborhoods and historic downtown.

With guidance from DCPL’s Executive Director, the Community Outreach and Grants Manager coordinates the development and implementation of three main programmatic components: (1) core mission/advocacy (2) community outreach; and (3) the Preservation Initiatives Grant Program.

To meet the organization’s mission of protecting DC’s historic resources, the Community Outreach and Grants Manager will play an important role in DCPL’s advocacy efforts.

  • Serves as staff liaison for DCPL Landmarks Committee; coordinates with Committee Chair to prepare monthly agendas and report meeting outcomes, prepares and file landmark and historic district nominations, coordinates with the DC Historic Preservation Office on landmark nomination submissions; presents information on landmark nominations to community groups and the Historic Preservation Review Board
  • Serves as staff liaison for DCPL Government Affairs Committee; coordinates with Executive Director and Committee Chair to prepare monthly agendas and report meeting outcomes, prepares online petitions, sends out Advocacy Alert emails, as needed
  • Assists Executive Director with Section 106 Consulting Party responsibilities; provides meeting summaries and prepares comments as needed
  • Prepares testimony for DC Council, DC Historic Preservation Review Board, and other governmental agency hearings on historic preservation cases and policies affecting historic landmarks and districts
  • Raises awareness of issues through social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), newsletter articles, and website posts
  • Manages graduate student fellow from American University during the academic year; directs initiatives related to DC Historic Sites
  • Manages summer interns
  • Other duties may be assigned by the Executive Director to carry out Core Mission activities.

Cultivates and maintains productive and positive relationships with citizens, community groups, schools, and governmental agencies to identify needs, assists in planning educational programs, and answer questions about community/neighborhood preservation priorities and activities.

  • Works with Programs Associate to plan and presents educational programs designed to engage citizens in preservation activities and to increase overall community support for preservation as a basic community value
  • Coordinates with Programs Associate to plan regular workshops to share information on preservation tools and incentives
  • Assists in preservation advocacy activities designed to spur the preservation of endangered historic structures and open spaces
  • Appears before neighborhood groups and Advisory Neighborhood Commissions to share information about historic preservation and seek engagement from new communities
  • Assists neighborhood groups with the preparation of DC Landmark nominations and other activities to raise awareness
  • Manages Historic Districts Coalition, an ad hoc group of existing neighborhood preservation organizations. Schedules meetings and provides technical assistance to make them more effective advocates and to increase the level of services they provide to their communities
  • Promotes DCPL’s programs to communities throughout the city and prepares content for monthly e-newsletter and monthly events blast.

Provides management and oversight for all aspects of grant programs offered by DCPL. Works as part of a team to ensure funding goals are in line with larger DCPL priorities. Facilitates the smooth operation of all grant application processing and manages tracking and reporting for all grant programs.

  • Assists in developing grant applications, guidelines, and reporting forms for new/future funding programs
  • Identifies requirements for grantee reporting and the development of reporting materials that will allow DCPL to track the impact of its funding over time. Compiles this information and determine the best way to highlight this impact for key constituents and the general public
  • Works with applicants to determine eligibility for specific funds and provides pre- and post-decision-making assistance to grant seekers as needed
  • Organizes and manages grant selection committee to identify successful grant applications
  • Works with the DC Historic Preservation Office and other organizations to promote the Program and recruit a diverse selection of eligible applicants for each grant cycle
  • Serves as a primary point of contact for both grant seekers and grantees
  • Monitors all grant program finances, cash advance apps usage and prepares progress reports for Board of Trustees
  • Generates grant contracts and payment requests for funded projects
  • Ensures grantee compliance on funded projects


  • Bachelor’s degree required. Master’s degree preferred. Knowledge of the historic preservation field preferred
  • Minimum of two years of experience in program development and implementation, with experience working in a community-based and multicultural setting
  • Minimum of two years of professional level experience including experience managing and coordinating projects. Familiarity with non-profit grant making or similar processes preferred
  • Ability to navigate a wide range of relationships including government leaders, local business owners, and youth, as well as the ability to relate to culturally diverse populations
  • Experience managing budgets, grants, and grant report writing
  • Strong organizational skills and the ability to prioritize, multi-task efficiently, and respond to a high volume of ongoing requests in a timely fashion
  • Ability to make independent decisions within a general decision-making framework
  • Excellent oral, verbal, and written communication skills
  • Ability to adapt and be flexible in a dynamic work environment
  • Proficiency with Microsoft Office Suite
  • Familiarity with WordPress, InDesign, and Photoshop desired.

Position is full-time (37.5 Hours/week). Evening and weekend work required.
Salary Range is from $45,000 – $60,000 and is commensurate with experience.

Benefits include 80/20 medical and dental insurance, 403B retirement plan, life insurance, and a flexible work schedule that allows for meeting work plan obligations.

Interested candidates should provide the following:

  • Resume
  • A summary of your community outreach and grant administration experience
  • Contact list with four professional references
  • Salary requirement
  • Any supporting materials you deem appropriate.

Questions regarding the position description and/or application process may be directed to Executive Director Rebecca Miller at

The DC Preservation League is an equal opportunity employer that is committed to diversity and inclusion in the workplace.


Riding Through the Past

The Washington Metro Area Transit Authority (WMATA) provides a popular bus service known as “Metrobus”–the sixth busiest bus agency in the country. Serving over 11,000 stops on 325 routes, Metrobus transports passengers across DC, Virginia, and Maryland.

Many contemporary bus routes have a connection the long tradition of moving both residents and visitors across the region. Some of the routes in operation today are continuation of older bus routes established in the mid-twentieth century, and some of those routes have an even earlier antecedents as streetcar lines.

Among the current 300+ routes, there are a handful that stand out as being especially popular with riders. Whether because of the neighborhoods served or downtown attractions featured, these routes have become standbys for many in the area.

In the 1970s, a fledging historic preservation organization called “Don’t Tear it Down” wanted to highlight the city’s history and its beautiful buildings. They decided to do so by developing a series of tours along popular bus routes. The Take One Tour series took the form of a run of printed brochures distributed directly to riders on buses.

Don’t Tear it Down and the historic preservation movement in DC built up momentum and were able to pass a robust preservation law for the city in 1978 . In the intervening decades, Don’t Tear it Down changed its name to the DC Preservation League, and the number of landmarks added to the DC Inventory of Historic Sites climbed past 700.

In April 2021, we will mark 50 years since the founding of Don’t Tear it Down. To honor this history, we wanted to bring back a new version of the Take One Tour on popular bus routes.

DCPL manages a free resource called “DC Historic Sites”—a website and mobile application that has geolocated information about the city’s landmarked sites and historic districts. Through a series of six new tours on DC Historic Sites, users can explore the history all around them on bus routes throughout the city.

Tours include sites featured on:

If you’re riding the bus, we recommend downloading the mobile application (from the App Store or Google Play) to easily follow along on the tour.

However, given the public health emergency, we recognize that many folks may not be riding their usual routes. Maybe you’ve found yourself even weirdly sentimental for some of your favorite Metrobus lines? If so, you can also explore the tours from your computer browser and click along the route to remind yourself of your favorite buildings and neighborhoods.